Friday 14 February 2014

Holden - 13 Months

Dear Holden,

A couple of weeks ago marked yet another first - a first for you, and a first for me as a mother. Your first hospital trip. Fun times eh? Both Lexi and Mercedes have each made a trip to the ER actually - Mercedes for a case of strep (was sent home quickly with meds), and Lexi for a gastro bug once - but she was given pedialyte and perked up immediately. This time was different. You and Lexi and your father were all sick with sore throats - first your sister, then your father, then you. I thought of strep at first, but delayed a doctor's visit because I firmly believe in 'wait and see', especially when it means packing up three kids to wait in a walk in clinic. And then Lexi started feeling better, so I figured you would too! Until that Wednesday morning, two weeks ago, when you woke up very lethargic and miserable and your lips turned blue. I immediately packed up your sisters and we headed to the clinic. They took a look at you and suggested we head to the ER instead, which made me heart drop. You both tested positive for strep and Lexi was given antibiotics to take, but it was clear you needed more than just meds. The triage nurse in the ER asked if you were my first baby. When I said "no, third" they took you in immediately. Apparently third time mothers don't panic at the ER unless it's really warranted!

You spent the whole day in the ER - hooked up to an IV for some antibiotics and to rehydrate you. You had blood drawn, and a chest x-ray (totally traumatic!), as well as a urine test. Watching them struggle to get in the IV line made me heart hurt, but watching YOU not put up much of a fight was even worse. You spent the entire day sleeping in my arms, despite the bustle of the ER - you were just so weak and dehydrated. Final diagnosis was a bad case of strep, double ear infection, possible start of pneumoia, and dehydration. I had to wake you up overnight to force pedialyte into you, give you meds, and let you sleep it off as much as possible. Thankfully, within a couple of days you perked up considerably, and a couple of days after that you got your strength back. The best part is the nursing strike you went on while sick (which made ME sick!) ended. And now, a couple of weeks later, you would never know how sick you were.

I know other parents have endured FAR worse with their children, but we have been so lucky with all three of you - this is the sickest I've ever seen one of my kids in five years, and it's not an experience I wish to repeat. I am so thankful we have access to such great health care in Canada, and so thankful I took you in when I did. Now, don't ever do that again!



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