Friday 14 February 2014

Mercedes - Happy 5th Birthday!

Dear Mercedes,

Yesterday, you turned FIVE. It's hard to believe that five years have passed since that first moment I became a mother. It was a changing, formative moment of course - but being a mother (or a father!) is a continuously evolving learning experience. Most days it seems like I will never know what I am doing. But I do know that I am consistently surprised and challenged by you. I am forever falling more in love with you, learning more about you, amazed at how much you know and do and understand. I am so thrilled by the child you are becoming - I can see glimpses of you here and there as a teenager, or an adult, or a mother to your own child one day... smart and observant and funny and considerate and emotional and sensitive and silly and so overwhelmingly beautiful. I feel privileged to be your mother and I can't wait to see what the next five years holds.

As an update... you are learning to read (you know how to spell and read LOTS of word by memory alone, but are so great at sounding out the words that you don't know). You love to write and write and write some more... lists, or small books, or pretend restaurant orders. You are obsessed with arts and crafts - drawing and painting and cutting and gluing. You love going out to restaurants and playing outside and spending time with your friends. You are absolutely enthralled by your school experience - you wish you could go on the weekends, and you still love playing school with us or your sister. Speaking of your sister, you two play SO nicely together - making up games, chasing each other around, colouring together, laughing and laughing and laughing (which makes me cry happy tears). You are a protective and loving big sister - always watching out for both Lexi and Holden, and helping whenever you can. You love scary  movies/shows on tv - thanks to your father. He's even somehow managed to get you obsessed with Star Wars! You love Lego and books and Hello Kitty and Princess Sofia. You hate having your hair back and love picking out your own clothes; you love helping in the kitchen and playing in your room by yourself. No loose teeth yet, and no real sign of them, but you are excited about the prospect.

We had a fantastic day celebrating your birthday yesterday - we let you play hooky from school so we could all go to Chuck E Cheese and out for lunch. And you had an absolute blast. The look of joy on your face was worth it all. I am so glad that we were able to share in your special day with you (i.e. neither of us were at work!) and that you chose to share your special day with US (i.e. you chose to stay home instead of go to school and have a fuss made over you there).

Happy Birthday my big girl - we love you so much!



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