Friday 13 February 2015

Mercedes - Happy 6th Birthday!

Dear Mercedes,

Today marks your sixth birthday – six years seems like an eternity in the day-to-day monotony of parenting… bathroom breaks and bad dreams and snack-fetching and lunch-making and never-ending-illness… But it also flew by in a flash of course. It seems to me that one day you were a helpless little nugget, relying almost solely on me for food, shelter, love and protection; and now you are a confident, independent, reading, walking, talking, sentient being. It amazes me how much you know and how quickly you learn; I love hearing about the new things you discover at school, and listening to the cheesy jokes you tell us. I love watching you find your footing as a reader and a writer – practicing your spelling, sounding out words, teaching me the meaning of the ever-important ellipsis. I love snuggling with you in your bed after you are all tucked in, while you tell me your grand plans for the next day, gesturing wildly with your hands (which I am sure you’ve learned from your mother). I love seeing your careful consideration when it comes to picking out clothes, or snacks, or how you detail EXACTLY what you want in your lunch bag the next day (always being mindful to include healthy fruits and vegetables!). I love watching you play with your siblings – making up elaborate, imaginative games with Lexi and being ever-patient of your rough-and-tumble brother (who happens to think the sun rises and sets on his ‘Cedes).

I am so proud of the wonderful little person you are and can’t wait to see what your very bright future holds. Thank you for making me a mother, and for teaching me more about myself and love and life than I ever thought possible.

Happy Birthday Shmeecee!



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