Tuesday 21 February 2017

First Family Vacation!

Last week we went on our first real family vacation! We have been away for a night or two here or there, with some combination of children at various times (Niagara Falls, Blue Mountain, Sauble Beach) but never a REAL, extended vacation with all three of you. So an important first for all of us, in a variety of ways! First plane ride for all three of you, first time in a new country, first time seeing the ocean… and of course, the first for your father and I in accompanying you and witnessing all of those firsts (and uhh, paying for it all!)

Overall, we had a fantastic week. Of course, there were some hiccups here and there (a delay in taking off due to snow/deicing, a bit more rain than I would have liked, some fighting amongst you kids, some crankiness and sleepiness from staying up too late, etc.) but really, I can’t complain. You guys were ROCKSTARS on the plane and were super-patient in the airport, and you embraced every new thing with enthusiasm and joy. Watching you all jump in the waves in the ocean for the first time is a memory I hope I never forget – the laughter and the sheer unbridled happiness that you all exuded was so contagious that it felt like I was seeing it all for the first time also. We made so many wonderful memories – celebrating Mercedes’ 8th birthday, dancing with SpongeBob, Holden’s joy at riding golf carts all over the resorts (or tractors as he referred to them), Lexi’s delight at eating ice cream with practically every meal, jumping in the pool over and over, visiting the dinosaur adventure park and digging for dinosaur bones, swimming in a gorgeous waterfall pool, the foam party in the pool (clearly a favourite of both Daddy and Lexi), meeting new people, practicing words in Spanish, trying new foods in restaurants every day, touring SpongeBob’s Pineapple Villa… like I said, amazing memories.

I hope that you all retain these memories; if not in their entirety then I hope that you remember us spending so much time together and being joyful and laughing and taking in each moment and enjoying each other’s company. I hope there are many more family vacations to come (budget is our obstacle with this goal), but I know I won’t ever forget this first special one, for so many reasons. 



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