Wednesday 6 September 2017

Back to School 2017

Dear Mercedes, Lexi and Holden,

Yesterday was your first day of school (and for the first time there is no staggered entry for anyone, so you all ACTUALLY started together yesterday) and as predicted, there were some tears and anxious moments. As also predicted, by the time I got home from work yesterday afternoon you were all smiling and happy and fighting with each other to tell me every, single detail about your days.

Holden – For you, this was a pretty momentous occasion, as you are now the big kid in the class as one of the ‘Year 2s’ – you get to show the new JKs the ropes, and help lead the way in the class, which you apparently found quite exciting yesterday. This year also has you alone, without the security of your big sister nearby. It seems to be a bit difficult for you upon drop-off, because you are used to being dropped off with someone – Lexi all last year, and then both sisters all summer at camp. But I have no doubt that within a few days/weeks, you’ll be perfectly fine. You get to be in the same class as you were in last year, and you get Miss Nora as your daycare teacher, who has always taken a special liking to the Karavos kids. And of course, you have your amazing teaching pair in your Kindergarten class – I could not ask for better teachers. They are engaging and kind and empowering, encouraging independence and outdoor play and thoughtfulness. And most of all, they love you and your sunny personality almost as much as we do.

Lexi – My big girl started Grade 1! Going from Kindergarten to Grade 1 is quite a big leap –it means time in the big yard instead of the pen, and real desks in a real classroom instead of play-based learning in the kindergarten rooms. There were some tears from you in the morning as the first day chaos in the schoolyard is quite overwhelming. You also were reminded of your separation from some of your besties, who are still in SK with Holden (there was a particularly tearful moment when you and Stella pressed your hands together through the fence, which made my heart break a little). But you have some great friends in your class (Ava and Finn in particular) and I know you will make new ones quickly. You beamed at me at the end of the day because your teacher complimented your shirt (which you picked out especially for the first day, and in true Lexi fashion, had very bright sequins on it). You were thrilled to be in the big yard and to see your sister at recess and to be in before and after care with her. I know the change can be overwhelming, but as usual, my brave little girl will conquer any challenges that come.

Mercedes –Truthfully, I was a bit surprised that we didn’t have more anxious moments or tears leading up the start of school. We did discuss it a few times, and I know you were both nervous and excited about the start of school – excited because of course you love school, as you should, but nervous because it would be all new again; new teacher, new friends, and the unknown of who would be in your class and what your new routine would be like. Of course, you have also been through the first day chaos before and knew it would be overwhelming and busy. But the older you get, the more you are able to control and conquer your anxieties, and I couldn’t be more proud. There were tears once we got to the schoolyard, but you dealt with them and knew the anxiety wouldn’t last. You were relieved to see that a good buddy of yours, Hailey, is in your class and my heart swelled when Hailey realized you were upset and tucked your hair behind your ears and gave you a hug to comfort you. You were thrilled that you have the same Kids Club teacher as last year, and that you were with not only Lexi, but your two besties Cecily and Charlotte (I know you were disappointed you were not in a class with either of them, again, but Kids Club means at least you get to spend some time with them each day). At the end of the day you were all smiles, as I knew you would be, and eager to go back today.

I am so proud of all of you for being so brave. I love that you all love school so much, as I have such fond memories of all of my years of school. I can’t wait to see the new relationships you form this year, and the amazing new things you learn. Watching these opportunities unfold in front of you all is one of the best parts of being your mother (that, and the excited hugs and detailed stories at the end of each day).



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