Saturday 23 December 2017

Holden - Happy 5th Birthday!

Dear Holden,

Tomorrow you turn FIVE years old! It’s hard to believe my ‘baby’ boy is already five – I remember the day you were born like it was yesterday. Actually I remember finding out you were on your way like it was yesterday also! As soon as the holiday decorations start coming out and the weather gets colder, it feels like Christmas and to me, that signals another year coming to a close, and another year celebrating the miracle of you, our sweet baby boy. It’s hard to imagine a time when we thought that our family was complete with just your sisters. We didn’t always plan on having a third baby, but it’s impossible to imagine you not here. Your charming voice, your amazing dimples, your adorable smile, your strong hugs, your smattering of freckles… but more than what you look like of course, we love your personality. We call you the Class Clown, because you will do anything to make your sisters and us laugh (lately, that means everything ends up being a poop, fart, or penis joke, but I am hoping that doesn’t last forever). You are so enthusiastic about everything that you do and it is a joy to see. You love telling us about your days at school and the funny things your friends did, you love listening to music and watching Power Rangers and collecting toys or playing video games with your dad. You are an expert snuggler and sometimes sneak into our bed without us even realizing it (and I not-so-secretly don’t mind one bit).

I am so amazed at how much you have changed since you started SK just a few months ago. I know it is difficult being the youngest in your grade, and it’s a challenge you will always have. But your literacy skills have improved so drastically, along with everything else – the way you colour, the way you talk about your days, the way you approach social situations, the way you are perfectly fine to be dropped off at school alone. It’s a pleasure to watch you mature into such a sweet, funny, smart little boy. I still often picture how you were when you were a baby – smiley and round and ALWAYS happy – and then I am struck by how different you are now. Five seems like such a milestone age – it is the last definitive sign that there are NO MORE BABIES here, and it makes me feel a little bit sad, truthfully. I’ve never hidden how much I love the baby stage, and to have my last child leaving that phase for good is a bit hard to swallow. But to see you grow into the adorable tiny human you are is worth it.

Happy birthday to my favourite guy in the whole wide world – our family is better for having you in it.



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