Sunday 24 December 2023

Happy 11th Birthday Holden!

Dear Molden the Bolden,

11! Last year felt big, because well, double digits. But this year feels like we’re marching even further into pre-teen territory and it’s a bit scary for me! I know how to deal with pre-teen/teenager girls, because I was one. But dealing with boy hormones and issues? Uncharted waters here. I can see some of the changes happening - the desire for more privacy, the reluctance to talk about certain things, the moodiness. But you’re still on the cusp of it all, so you also still love to snuggle on the couch under a blanket while we watch a movie and hug me goodnight. I’m holding on to whatever ‘little boy’ you have left in you while I can, while also relishing in how much more mature you are growing, right before my eyes.

You’re still the coolest gamer I know (even teaching your big sister how to play Fortnite), and you take great care of your fish and the cats. You do well in school and your teacher had great things to say about your quiet maturity in class, and how you’re truly a well-rounded kind of kid, which I am so proud of. I’m just proud of all of it. I love your sense of humor and your hair and your freckles and your appetite and how you kiss all the cats goodnight and laugh at your father’s terrible jokes and roll your eyes while we serenade you with Taylor Swift. You’re such a delight, and you always have been, and I can’t wait to see what this next year and beyond has in store for my special boy. 

Happy Birthday once again, to the best Christmas surprise we’ve ever gotten.



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