Tuesday 3 September 2024

First Day of School - Grades 7, 8 and 10!

Dear not-so-small children,

Well, that summer flew by! Today I sent you all off to another school year - grades 7, 8, and 10. I remember the days when getting ready for the first day of school was such a production. All of the labeling, taking time off to walk you all, tears from everyone amidst the chaos in the school yard. And now you just… pack your bags and leave! It’s certainly easier on me, but a little bittersweet that you’re all so grown up. This year means both Holden and Lexi are intermediate division and will end up doing quite a few activities and field trips together. And of course, my sweet middle graduates and gets ready to join her big sister at the high school next year, where Mercedes will already be half done by then!

I know there isn’t the same level of excitement about back to school as there used to be, but I know you will all do great things this year. And I couldn’t have asked for a better summer to spend with you all. Our cottage vacation was perfection - I’ll cherish those memories of sleeping in, coffee on the dock, watching your ‘Olympics’ games in the water, sunsets over the water, peacefully kayaking out to Blueberry Island on calm, hot days, watching Olympics, smores, playing pool, dancing and singing, feeding the chipmunk family, watching scary movies, swimming, swimming, and more swimming. It was an absolutely beautiful week with you all. And we had other adventures this summer too of course - family dinners, and Wasaga Beach, and movies, and endless rounds of shopping. 

Just like back to school, summers used to be more hectic - there was the constant juggle of camp and me and your father alternating time off, and Camp Bubie and Zaidie, and trying to find things to entertain you. And now… you all just do your own thing. As long as we drive you places, give you money, and provide endless quantities of food (mostly snacks), then you were totally fine. Which meant I actually got a relaxing summer too. Of course, I was still working most of the time, but I got to sleep in, didn’t need to make anyone’s lunch, and never had to bug someone about their homework or going to bed. So part of me is sad to see that relaxing summer come to an end, but I am thrilled about us all getting back to routine (and slightly earlier bedtimes!) and excited to see where this pivotal school year takes you all. 

Counting down the hours until dismissal,


Wednesday 22 May 2024

Lexi - Happy 13th Birthday!

Dear Lexi,

Happy 13th birthday to my now official teenager! When you were younger, we were always able to mark the actual moment of your birth (5:22 on 5/22) but those were the days when you all woke up ridiculously early - so thankfully that’s changed! Now you’re the one who sleeps in the most, by far! It’s always so surreal celebrating all of your birthdays, but the milestone ones especially evoke a lot of emotion in me. I remember being supremely pregnant with you, in a very hot week just like this year (May in Ontario is never a guarantee!) and I can vividly recall the night before you were born. Your grandparents came to pick up Mercedes, I waddled around the neighbourhood very slowly (early contractions) with your father, we watched an entire season of Californication (on DVD!) while I bounced on Auntie Kimmy’s exercise ball, we had friends over and hung out in the backyard (yes, still contracting). Until finally, finally, after all of that waiting, you emerged in a very fast, very tiny, very angry fury early in the morning. You were small but mighty - squeaky and delicate, but also made it very clear from day one exactly what you wanted and what your opinions were.

And that hasn’t changed. You are still stubborn and independent and opinionated in all the best ways (even if those ways sometimes drive me crazy), but thankfully you also still laugh at our jokes (even your father’s stupid Dad jokes), let me give you hugs, want to sit beside me whenever we’re out, and share your heart (grudgingly) when I pester you. This past year has been challenging for you in some ways, but I’m so grateful that we have the kind of relationship that means you’ll actually let us in, and let us help you. There’s nothing we want more than to see you flourish - and I have no doubt that you will continue to do so with your typical Lexi flair. 

So while you are so teenager in many ways - the fake nails, the makeup, the TikTok, the cocooning in your room, the attitude that comes out of nowhere, you’re also still my sweet little Lexi-Lou - affectionate and smart and funny and sweet as can be (case in point, the heartfelt cards you always write me that bring me to happy tears). We’re so proud of how brave and wonderful and beautiful you are, inside and out, and can’t wait to see what your teenage years hold for you (because I’m sure there will be more grey hairs for me!).

Love you forever,


Tuesday 13 February 2024

Happy 15th Birthday Mercedes!

Dear Mercedes,

How has an entire decade and a half passed by in the blink of an eye? It seems so difficult to remember you as a small baby (although there are certain things you never forget, like how clingy you were, the terrible sleep, the awful bouts of teething, the overwhelming feeling of never really knowing what we were doing), but also, it seems unfathomable to me that you’re in your second semester of high school, picking grade 10 courses already, becoming more and more independent, boyfriends and volunteering and new friends and taking accountability for yourself in ways that make me so proud. You handled all of your assignments in your first semester with ease, and while we don’t know your final marks yet, they will be good - you managed deadlines and studied for tests and showed up for yourself in ways that you didn’t always through the tumultuous final years of elementary school (thanks Covid). A year ago, you never would have taken it upon yourself to talk to the guidance office about your courses, but a few weeks ago, you casually mentioned at dinner that you actually wanted to switch your geography class for a different section to avoid some uncomfortable drama with ‘friends’ - and you’d already made an appointment with the office and handled it all yourself! These small moments may seem so insignificant to you, but they are stark reminders of the fact that you’re growing up to be a confident, self-aware, empowered young woman - and I couldn’t be more thrilled to see it. Now if I could just get you to do your own laundry, that would be great.

So of course we’re proud of you for all of those little things, but above all else, I’m just so thankful that I get to be your mom and walk beside you as you continue to learn and grow. I actually LIKE spending time with you. I love going for drives and blasting Taylor Swift, and hearing about your friends and what’s happening at school and biting my tongue when some boy plays with your feelings. I love that you feel comfortable enough to tell me about the big things and the little things alike, and that you actually want to spend time with me too. It’s a privilege and an honour to watch you grow older - and while I try real hard not to think about the fact that in a few years you could potentially move out, I also know that if/when that happens, you’ll be more than just fine. You will thrive, in whatever you put your mind to.

Love you bunches Shmeecee.

Mum (aka Bruh)