Saturday 30 January 2010

Mercedes - 11.5 Months Old

Dear Mercedes,

Your first birthday (and your party!) is only two weeks away. I know I keep saying it, but time keeps FLYING by. Honestly, every day you seem to change and grow right before my eyes. Day by day you become smarter, sweeter, funnier and hard to believe, but even more gorgeous! Your personality just shines through in every thing you do. A little shy at first, but once you are confident in a situation you have NO problem going after what you want and voicing your (loud) opinion about it! You know what you want and nothing else will do!

You are cuddly and sweet and affectionate, but also love to play rough and tumble and don't put up with any crap, even from your older, male playmates! You are also FUNNY. You make 'jokes' and love to laugh and do things on purpose to get a reaction out of us. It's pretty awesome to see how wonderfully smart you are and how quickly you can figure things out these days.

Oh, and you also, finally... CRAWLED! At 11+ months, you finally decided to just do it. You still prefer scooting most of the time - you're better at it - but at least now you have options! I love watching you practice new skills - nothing makes me prouder!



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