Tuesday 29 November 2011

Alexis - 6 Months Old

Dear Alexis,

You are officially more than halfway to your first birthday! It's been the most amazing six months - watching you develop your little personality (so unique, and quite different from that of your big sister) and become a real part of our family has been amazing. You are sweet and cuddly and smiley and happy and very, very vocal. I love hearing everything that comes out of your mouth - fake coughs, growls, squeals and all. You've been sitting up unassisted for a while now, and just recently have discovered you can worm your way around on your belly (mostly backward!). You will get up on all fours and rock back and forth, but you haven't exactly figured out the crawling thing yet. It won't be long!

No teeth yet, but you did achieve another first this past week. Your first trip to the ER. Fun. You had croup, and it's sticking around as a lovely cold, which has made you fairly miserable sleep-wise. You are still lovely and smiley when you can be, but all you want to do is sleep on me, sleep with me, sleep sitting up in my arms. Poor muffin. I do love the cuddles though - I'll take 'em when I can get 'em!

Thanks for making the last six months such an adventure in our little family of four. You've completed us all in ways we never thought possible.

Love always,


Sunday 20 November 2011

Mercedes - 33 Months Old

Dear Mercedes,

I always said that I would let you toilet-train yourself. Or rather, instead of toilet training, we'd think of it more as toilet learning. I didn't want to go through months of pressure and accidents and rushing to the bathroom every hour to catch all of your bodily fluids. We've had potties around the house forever, and you have certainly understood the basic concept for months. You've even had a few random pees and a poop on the potty, but they were basically flukes. As time passed, and all of your little friends became diaper-free, I started wondering when it would actually really click for you, and if I should push it more.

And then... two weeks ago, in the midst of us all battling a nasty gastro bug, you decided that you were done with diapers and wanted to wear underwear from now on! You were pee-trained instantly, and haven't had an accident since. Poop took a little longer, in large part because of the aforementioned gastro bug (ew). But it's safe to say, you are now completely diaper-free! (Well, except naps and nighttime - although you are holding your pee for remarkably long periods of time and waking up dry more often). We are so proud of you. You are so proud of yourself, as you should be! And I am immensely pleased that I followed my gut and let you figure it out on your own. I knew you would :)



Tuesday 8 November 2011

Mercedes - 33 Months Old

Dear Mercedes,

Just wanted to share some more gems from recent conversations:

Me: Mercedes, I love our conversations.
Mercedes: Mommy, I love your conversations too!

Mercedes: Daddy, do you have a tail?
Andrew: Uhhh, no.
Mercedes: Oh. Just a front tail.

Mercedes: Daddy, you look like a very nice girl-lady with your hair.

Yesterday we were at the park, and you were fascinated by all the dogs that wanted to come say hello to Duke. After one of them walked away you said "Mommy, what was that doggie's name?" I said I wasn't sure and you responded with "Ummm, I think his name is Frixie!" Sure sweetheart, sounds perfect.

Halloween was a week ago, and you totally rocked it. You LOVED dressing up as Princess Leia (again) and although most other kids had no clue who you were, the parents did and they LOVED you. You did such a good job walking around our entire street with Daddy, saying trick or treat and thank you at each house, and admiring all of your loot when you got home. It's so much fun sharing holiday traditions with you - picking and carving pumpkins, dressing up, decorating. We can't wait to do it again next year!


Your ever-amused Mama

Alexis - 5 Months Old

Dear Alexis,

You officially sit! And are very very proud of yourself for it :) As are we!

