Tuesday 8 November 2011

Mercedes - 33 Months Old

Dear Mercedes,

Just wanted to share some more gems from recent conversations:

Me: Mercedes, I love our conversations.
Mercedes: Mommy, I love your conversations too!

Mercedes: Daddy, do you have a tail?
Andrew: Uhhh, no.
Mercedes: Oh. Just a front tail.

Mercedes: Daddy, you look like a very nice girl-lady with your hair.

Yesterday we were at the park, and you were fascinated by all the dogs that wanted to come say hello to Duke. After one of them walked away you said "Mommy, what was that doggie's name?" I said I wasn't sure and you responded with "Ummm, I think his name is Frixie!" Sure sweetheart, sounds perfect.

Halloween was a week ago, and you totally rocked it. You LOVED dressing up as Princess Leia (again) and although most other kids had no clue who you were, the parents did and they LOVED you. You did such a good job walking around our entire street with Daddy, saying trick or treat and thank you at each house, and admiring all of your loot when you got home. It's so much fun sharing holiday traditions with you - picking and carving pumpkins, dressing up, decorating. We can't wait to do it again next year!


Your ever-amused Mama

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