Tuesday 22 May 2018

Lexi - Happy 7th Birthday!

Dear Lexi,

Happy 7th birthday! I can’t express to you how much you have enriched the lives of everyone who has ever known you. All of our children are so deeply loved and treasured, but there is something so spirited and bright about you – everyone who meets you comments on your ‘spark’ (and your hair), and they are right to notice it. You came screaming into this world in a fast fury, tiny and squeaky, and you haven’t stopped since. You are this wonderful mix of super easy-going and flexible and carefree, while also being incredibly stubborn and feisty and sharp-witted. It’s a mix that often keeps us all laughing, and always keeps us on our toes.

You absolutely love to read, just like the rest of your family, and you have thrived immeasurably in Grade 1. You love math and writing and singing and gymnastics and playing with your brother and sister. You have no problems making friends, or socializing with people of any sort – you love chocolate and candy and cookies and ice cream (so much so, that you insisted on wearing a dress with popsicles on it today for your birthday), and basically most food (including a strong penchant for sushi and seafood, which is fun for us, but expensive). You just recently learned how to ride your bike without training wheels and you are so proud of yourself for figuring it out. You actually fell off your bike yesterday, scraping up your hands and knees, but you declared it won’t stop you from getting back on your bike next time.

We are so proud of the fantastic big kid you are growing into, and can’t wait to see what the next few years hold. I love seeing you discover the world around you and learn new things and become more independent. I love having intense conversations with you and seeing your dedication to the things you love (slime videos, LOLs, etc.) – and of course, no one gives better hugs than my sweet Lexi-Loo (even though it is literally like a small hurricane coming at you). You are often messy, and frequently loud; hard-headed and nitpicky, but oh so loving and affectionate. And while you may frustrate us to no end with your spirited attitude, we desperately want to ensure that you never lose that attitude – it will serve you well in life.

Happy Birthday Spitfire – we love you to the moon and back.



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