Saturday 21 November 2009

Mercedes - 9 Months 1 Week Old

Dear Mercedes,

Today marked a couple of new first for you! You sat up from lying down all on your own! You attended your very first birthday party (well, first friend's birthday party - family doesn't count!) AND you visited Santa for the very first time!

Of course, you cried your eyes out the second you sat on Santa's lap, but that's okay - it made for a very cute picture! At least you had lots of fun at Owen's party. Watching you interact with your friends is one of my favourite things. I hope you'll still be friends with them years and years from now!



Thursday 12 November 2009

Mercedes - 9 Months Old

Dear Mercedes,

I just finished watching one of my favourite shows (Grey's Anatomy) and it struck me that exactly 9 months ago, on a Thursday just like this one, in front of Grey's Anatomy - I realized I was in labour! It's hard to believe that tomorrow you turn 9 months old - out as long as you were in! You are growing up so fast and I fall more and more in love you each day/week/month that passes. I don't want you to get older and more independent - because it means that I'll be going back to work and unable to spend as much time with you, and it means that maybe you won't need me as much anymore. On the other hand, I love seeing you grow and learn new things every day. Watching my smart, beautiful girl fills me with such pride!

You can't (or won't) crawl yet, but you do scoot around on your bum and can pull yourself up to a standing position. Standing still at 3 teeth (1 top, 2 bottom), but there are THREE top teeth on the immediate horizon. You are eating like a champ and love feeding Bruiser as much as you love feeding yourself! You love to babble and you make all sorts of sounds, and you like to wave, clap and give lovely wet kisses! Nothing beats a cuddle and a kiss from you.

Happy 9 months monkey - I can't wait to see what the next 9 months hold!



Saturday 3 October 2009

Mercedes - 7 Months 3 Weeks Old

Dear Mercedes,

In the past few weeks you have changed SO much! You now have THREE teeth and the fourth is going to cut through any day now! You can pull yourself up to your knees and are so close to getting all the way on to your feet. Still no crawling, but you can scoot forward on your bum (slowly, but surely!) You love 'talking' to us all the time and you absolutely love going out with Mommy, especially to see all of your little friends. You are eating all sorts of food now and throw a little temper tantrum if I don't share with you or try to take something away from you. You definitely love your food, just like Mommy and Daddy!

But probably the most exciting change, at least for me anyway, is that you have FINALLY realized that Mommy is not the only one who can take care of you. Of course, I'm still number one, but I can now leave you alone with Daddy with NO tears, and sometimes you'll even let other people hold you without crying! This is very exciting - both because maybe it means that Daddy and I can get out a little more (not that we don't love being with you of course). But it also means that the other people who love you to pieces (Bubie, Zaidie, Auntie Kimmy, Thea Melissa) can FINALLY spend some more quality time with you. Everyone is happy. My little girl is growing up so fast!



Wednesday 16 September 2009

Mercedes - 7 Months Old

Dear Mercedes,

Sorry I can't write as often, but you keep me WAY too busy! In fact, right now you are trying to grab the pen out of my hand! Nothing is safe from your grabby hands anymore. You are seven months old now and are totally your own little personality. No crawling yet, although you are working on both that and pulling yourself up to a standing position. On your 7 month birthday you cut your first tooth and the second one is not far behind!

You are starting to eat some real food now, but you REFUSE to let me feed you. So you'll feed yourself purees (very, very, very messily!) or we give you chunks of stuff to play with and chew on. Toast and cream cheese is a big hit!



Saturday 15 August 2009

Mercedes - 6 Months Old

Dear Mercedes,

I'm sorry I haven't written in a few months. You've been keeping me VERY busy. We go on lots of playdates, see movies, go to the mall, the zoo, run errands, visit friends, etc. And you roll and sit up on your own and demand quite a lot of attention! You are quite the diva - Mommy's little girl - which makes it hard for anyone else but me (even Daddy!) to look after you. But you are such a sweetheart, even though you don't sleep through the night! It is hard to believe you are already half a year old. You have brought so much joy and love into our lives - it's hard to imagine what life was like without you. We love seeing your personality grow and develop - you are a real little person now! As your Daddy said the other day "She's the best thing that ever happened to me."

We love you so much my princess - happy half birthday!



Thursday 21 May 2009

Mercedes - 3+ Months Old

Dear Mercedes,

Yesterday marked another first for you. You FINALLY laughed! I have been waiting for a while and for the past few weeks it seemed like you were on the verge, but no dice. Yesterday I was tickling your neck (pretending to gobble you up like I usually do!) and you giggled!! You did it three times in total, and then I guess my trick got old. Daddy hasn't heard it yet, so get working on repeating it please!

Oh, and you are now a rolling pro! In two days you have totally mastered the skill. You are now lightning fast which means Mommy has to be REALLY careful what I do with you! What a big week for my baby girl.



Saturday 16 May 2009

Mercedes - 3 Months Old

Dear Mercedes,

You are no longer a newborn! It's hard to believe you are three months old, and out of the 'fourth trimester' already. This very precious time with you is just flying by - it's sad and yet wonderful, all at the same time. You seem to grow and change and learn new things right before our very eyes!

Today you rolled over (from your back to your tummy) for the first time! You have been trying REALLY hard for the past few days, but could only make it on to your side. At 4 am you were making such a big effort you couldn't stop farting, and then when I laughed at you, you kept smiling back at me. It was a very funny moment. But of course, the first two times you actually made it all the way onto your belly, only Daddy witnessed it! (I was in the shower.) Thankfully, you repeated your new trick for Mommy later this afternoon. I am so proud of my little girl!



Monday 13 April 2009

Mercedes - 2 Months Old

Dear Mercedes,

Happy 2 month birthday! I can't believe that a whole two months has flown by. You are getting bigger and more fun every day. You smile and gurgle at us and love to watch toys or a mobile. You LOVE the car and going places with me, or with your Daddy on the weekend. You still aren't sleeping through the night at all (the most you'll go is a four or five hour stretch at a time) - but that's okay. I seem to forget how tired I am when you smile your big gummy smile at me. Now all we need is a laugh - any day now hopefully!



Thursday 12 March 2009

Mercedes - 1 Month Old

Dear Mercedes,

It's hard to believe you are going to be an entire month old already tomorrow! The past few weeks have just flown by. We spent a few days in the hospital of course, and getting adjusted to having you at home was fun but difficult. We love having you here, but are feeling a little sleep-deprived. You seem to sleep much better during the day instead of at night. Each day gets easier though, as we get more and more used to one another.

Your Daddy is back to work this week, after being home with his girls for three whole weeks. He misses you SO much when he is gone during the day, as soon as he comes home he kisses you and wants to hold you for the rest of the night. You are definitely his little princess already!

And today, you actually smiled at me for the first time! Not gas, this was an actual, honest-to-goodness smile! I only hope that you can repeat it tonight when Daddy gets home, or he will be very jealous.

Sunday 15 February 2009

Mercedes - Birth Story

Friday February 13th, 2009 – 3:23 pm – 8 lbs, 10 ounces, 21.5 inches long

Dear Mercedes,

Although at times it seems like I was pregnant FOREVER, the nine months that you and I spent together actually passed by very quickly and fairly uneventfully. You were a great baby in the womb – I never got morning sickness, I didn’t have extreme fatigue, no heartburn, not a lot of discomfort. Until the end that is! You were growing and growing so well, that I was often uncomfortable towards the end of our time together – but it was clearly all worth it!

Your due date was February 15th, and although I initially thought you might arrive early, as your due date approached it seemed like nothing was happening and you were actually going to arrive LATE. My midwives and doctors were a little concerned because I had a lot of extra fluid, as well as a blood issue (a genetic mutation that predisposes me to blood clots – you probably have it too, it’s genetic – sorry), and what appeared to be a GIANT baby. The latest estimates a couple of weeks before you were born said you were 9 pounds and 5 ounces!!

At my last midwife appointment on February 6th (one week before your birthday) they said that not much was happening – I wasn’t dilated at all, your head wasn’t engaged in the pelvis – and that they would likely see me again the following Friday for my regular appointment. Well, they saw me on Friday all right, but they saw you too!

Thursday February 12th – Sorry for the grossness my dear, but I actually lost part of my mucous plug during the day. I know it’s hard to believe that this disgusting piece of tissue was exciting, but when you are pregnant one day and waiting for your own baby to arrive, you’ll understand how I felt! I actually spent the whole day busy with friends – out for lunch, running errands, had a friend over – and it was the ONE day in recent memory that I hadn’t managed to nap during the day. Oops.

Later that evening, I was watching Grey’s Anatomy (one of my favourite shows) when I started to feel ‘something’. I said to your father “I think I might be having contractions” and he was desperate to know if it was the real thing or not. I told him not, as they were not very intense, and urged him to go to bed since he had to work in the morning. By the time Private Practice was over (11 pm), I realized that they were definitely regular contractions – they were coming every five minutes, but weren’t very intense (I could talk and even joke through them) so I didn’t wake your dad – yet. I wanted to try to sleep a bit, and see if they would go away – I assumed it was false labour, or very, very early labour.

By midnight, I realized that the contractions were still coming every five minutes, and they were getting stronger now. I had to actually move around each time, and I definitely could not sleep through them. Time to wake up Daddy!

He got very excited and wanted to start packing up the car right away, but I made him wait. I tried getting in the bath to see if that would help, and it did, briefly – but I could still feel each and every contraction. Your daddy started officially timing and sure enough, they were lasting about a minute, and arriving five minutes apart. Looks like real labour!

I got out of the bath and called the midwife (about 1:30 am at this point) and she said it sounds like real labour for sure – but it’s still early and I should try to get some rest, take a gravol and sleep if possible. I took a couple of gravols and then promptly started throwing up. Not fun! I got back in the bath for a while, and threw up in there too! Also not fun.

At this point, the contractions were getting much stronger and I could no longer talk through them – I needed to focus my energy and my breathing in order to get through each one. Your daddy was such a great help – very supportive and encouraging, massaging my back, timing the contractions, letting me know when they would be starting and stopping. I couldn’t have done it without him. At about 3:30 we called the midwife back, as I felt that things were definitely progressing and it was getting harder to cope with the contractions at home. I was also worried about my water breaking, since as of the week before, your head still wasn’t engaged, which could have posed some potential problems. We agreed to meet at the hospital at 5 am – and let me tell you, that drive was NOT fun, especially since there are bumpy train tracks on the way!

I had a contraction in the car, and another in the hallway of the main floor of the hospital – luckily it was deserted at 5 in the morning, so I was able to labour in the hallway in private!

We made it up to the birthing unit, and they hooked me up to the fetal monitor to make sure you were doing okay. My midwife, Ann, did an internal to see how we were doing, and much to our surprise, I was already 6 centimetres dilated! Way to go Mommy and Mercedes! We were admitted and shown to our birthing suite.

After about an hour, we decided that I would get in their fancy Jacuzzi tub and try to labour in there for a while. I desperately wanted to give birth to you naturally and medication-free and was willing to do just about anything to get there. The tub felt heavenly, but I was still nauseous and didn’t last long in there. With your dad’s help (and the midwife) we laboured for another few hours, during which time my water broke all on its own. That really intensified the contractions, and while it was the most painful thing I’ve ever felt, I was still confident that I could work through them on my own. However – when my water broke, you actually turned around a bit – just enough to make things extra uncomfortable and have you pressing on my cervix in a way that made it inflamed. At one check at about 10 am, it looked like I was 8 cms dilated (almost there!) – but another check a half hour later revealed that I was still in fact only 6 cms.

No movement in five hours was disappointing – and the pain of the (now) back labour was very intense. I decided to try the nitrous oxide gas (laughing gas) to try to get through some of the more difficult contractions. It took the edge off, but made me dizzy so I didn’t want to use too much. At this point, the midwife and consulting OB suggested that maybe an epidural might be useful. I was feeling the urge to push with each contraction, because of the way your head was positioned and how low down you were. I could not for the life of me resist the urge, and this was backfiring – with me bearing down, your head was inflaming my cervix even more, which was making it unlikely I would fully dilate on my own. With an epidural we thought I could resist that urge to push and allow myself to dilate completely. So, although I had wanted to resist the drugs, we decided to go for it.

And let me tell you – it was HEAVENLY. There really is something to be said for not feeling pain when you don’t have to! However – even with an epidural, there was no further dilation to be had. The OB introduced pitocin (another thing I was dead-set against if possible) and STILL no further dilation.

By 2:30 pm, they were concerned about the lack of progress, the fact that your heart-rate was not fluctuating well enough (it was strong, but not moving much, which is a sign of lack of oxygen in the blood), and how ‘big’ you were supposed to be. They tried to do a blood test on you to check the oxygen levels, but the results were inconclusive and they were reluctant to let me keep labouring on my own since they couldn’t guarantee you weren’t in some level of distress.

After some serious discussion with your Daddy, and a few tears, we decided to go with the recommended C-section. It’s not how I envisioned your birth, and I am sad I didn’t get that first ‘moment’ with you that I had pictured, but the important thing is that you arrived healthy and happy!

At 3 pm I was wheeled into the operating room, and at 3:23 pm on Friday February 13th you were born! Your Daddy and I were surprised to see lots of dark hair, and were also surprised that you were NOT nine pounds, but only 8 pounds, 10 ounces! You were nice and long (as we expected) – 21.5 inches – and have the fingers to match! We fell in love with you instantly.

You passed all of your newborn screenings with flying colours, and although we had some issues with breastfeeding in the beginning (someone is a lazy, sleepy eater, although often hungry!) – we were thrilled to bring you home on Monday and introduce you into our world. Your big brother (Bruiser) and the cats are enamoured with you already and your whole extended family just can’t get enough of you. One day, when you are older, you’ll realize just how loved and wanted you are – we plan to remind you every, single day.

Welcome to the world Mercedes Madison!

Friday 13 February 2009

Mercedes Madison is born!

Welcome to the world Mercedes Madison!

You were born this afternoon, Friday February 13th 2009, at 3:23 pm weighing 8 pounds, 10 ounces, and measuring 21.5 inches long.

We couldn't be happier and we are super-in love with you already. Happy Birthday Princess!



Sunday 1 February 2009

Mercedes - 38 Weeks Pregnant

Dear Baby Girl,

We are now officially only two weeks away from your due date - but please feel free to arrive ANY time now. Not that I don't love being pregnant with you, but your Daddy and I are more than ready to meet you. Particularly since they (midwives and ultrasound technicians) keep telling me what a BIG baby you are! In fact, as of a week ago, they estimated you to already be about 9 (yes, that's right NINE) pounds. Eek. These things can typically be inaccurate, so it'll be interesting to see what size you actually emerge at.

Otherwise, I am trying to be patient - lots of reading, naps, watching movies... everything I won't be able to easily do for the next little while! Of course, you'll be worth it.



Saturday 17 January 2009

Mercedes - 35 Weeks 6 Days Pregnant

Dear Baby Girl,

Time just keeps on flying by, and before you know it, you'll be here, out in the real world! In fact, it might actually be sooner rather than later. Although I technically still have 4 weeks to go until your due date, you could potentially arrive any time. I kinda hope you do. Not that I don't love being pregnant with you, because I do - even with all of the more recent aches and pains and sleepless nights, it's all great! I love feeling you move and wiggle, and I love knowing I am providing a nice safe home for you, and feeling this closeness that can never be taken away from a mother and her baby.

BUT, I am very anxious and excited to meet you. And it appears that you are on the bigger side, and I have a lot of extra amniotic fluid - so you may in fact arrive slightly sooner than scheduled. But we are all prepared - your nursery is all set up, hospital bags are packed, camera is charged, car seat is installed.

Now, all we do is wait (somewhat impatiently) for your arrival. I know that you'll be here when you are good and ready, but try to be ready soon ok?



Saturday 3 January 2009

Mercedes - 33 Weeks 6 Days Pregnant

Dear Princess,

Happy New Year! It is hard to believe that it is already 2009 and that NEXT month you will be here! The days and weeks just keep flying by (I keep saying that don't I? ha) and every step brings us closer and closer to meeting you in person. We finished your nursery over the holidays. We even have diapers all ready for you. All we need to do is pack our hospital bags, get the car seat installed and wash all of your teeny-tiny clothes! I can't wait to organize them all in the closet.

Even your grandparents are busy getting ready for your arrival. They bought a play yard just for you - it's all set up, complete with a few outfits and blankets that we'll keep there so you always have a change of clothes. Your Bubie is even going to stock up on diapers and books - I hope you'll feel just as at home there as I did. I lived in that house (in that room actually!) for thirteen whole years.

It's so much fun to get everything ready for you and see how excited everyone is. Now all we need is YOU.

