Dear Big Girl Mercedes,
Today you peed on the potty twice!! You also peed all over the floor a couple of times, but who's counting? It seems like right before my eyes you are growing and changing - when I think back to LAST New Year's Eve, the differences are outstanding. You are definitely your own unique personality now - a little shy/cautious at first, very observant, funny, sweet, charming, independent and just a teensy bit devilish! Last week you had your first two night sleepover at Bubie and Zaidie's, and you all had a blast! I love you, and I love my parents, and seeing how much they adore you, and how much fun you have with them... it warms my heart.
This past year has been full of ups and downs - losing Bruiser, getting Peanut, creating a new baby - but absolutely nothing has been as rewarding as being your Mom. Challenge me though you do, I love you more than you'll ever know. Happy New Year's Princess!
Friday, 31 December 2010
Alexis - 18 Weeks 3 Days Pregnant
Dear Bean,
Happy New Year! We finished 2010 off with a midwife appointment today, and I got to hear your beautiful heartbeat again! And then this evening, despite the lameness of your father's and mine NYE celebrations, you seemed to be having a party all by yourself. It's amazing how clearly and strongly I can feel you already - stronger every single day.
2010 was an interesting year for you, full of ups and downs, but I think we all know what the highlight of 2011 will be!
Happy New Year! We finished 2010 off with a midwife appointment today, and I got to hear your beautiful heartbeat again! And then this evening, despite the lameness of your father's and mine NYE celebrations, you seemed to be having a party all by yourself. It's amazing how clearly and strongly I can feel you already - stronger every single day.
2010 was an interesting year for you, full of ups and downs, but I think we all know what the highlight of 2011 will be!
Tuesday, 14 December 2010
Alexis - 16 Weeks Pregnant
Dear Bean,
I've been feeling you flutter and swim a lot lately. It's such a cool, strange feeling, and even though I've been through it all before it never stops being amazing and surreal! In fact, today I swore I felt you from the outside! It's a little early for that, but considering this is my second pregnancy and I do not have an anterior placenta blocking the way this time - it IS totally possible!
I also heard your heartbeat for the for the first time last week at the midwife. I know we've seen it a couple of times in ultrasounds, but actually hearing that beautiful sound is another thing entirely!
I've been feeling you flutter and swim a lot lately. It's such a cool, strange feeling, and even though I've been through it all before it never stops being amazing and surreal! In fact, today I swore I felt you from the outside! It's a little early for that, but considering this is my second pregnancy and I do not have an anterior placenta blocking the way this time - it IS totally possible!
I also heard your heartbeat for the for the first time last week at the midwife. I know we've seen it a couple of times in ultrasounds, but actually hearing that beautiful sound is another thing entirely!
Sunday, 5 December 2010
Mercedes - 21.5 Months Old
Dear Mercedes,
It looks like now, at nearly 22 months of age, we are done breastfeeding. I feel a little guilty about this, because I think if I wasn't pregnant we would have continued longer. But a drop in supply, painful nursing, and a recent cold for you seems to have spelled the end of this part of our relationship. I am sad - more sad than I think I could explain in words. I'm also incredibly proud and happy that I was able to give this gift to you for so long. I have wonderful memories of our journey together and I'll never, ever forget it. I love you so much my wonderful, grown-up girl.
P.S. This morning, you peed on the potty for the first time!!
It looks like now, at nearly 22 months of age, we are done breastfeeding. I feel a little guilty about this, because I think if I wasn't pregnant we would have continued longer. But a drop in supply, painful nursing, and a recent cold for you seems to have spelled the end of this part of our relationship. I am sad - more sad than I think I could explain in words. I'm also incredibly proud and happy that I was able to give this gift to you for so long. I have wonderful memories of our journey together and I'll never, ever forget it. I love you so much my wonderful, grown-up girl.
P.S. This morning, you peed on the potty for the first time!!
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
Alexis - 12 Weeks 1 Day Pregnant
Dear Bean,
Today was our 12 week ultrasound and it was so much fun seeing you again! Especially since now you look less like a blob and more like a tiny human (or a creepy alien - the images from ultrasounds are cool, but weird!). We saw you waving and swimming and looking directly at us! You had a beautiful heartbeat of 155 beats per minute, and it was awesome to see. It's finally starting to sink in, that in six short months, we'll be parents of TWO! I can't wait!
Today was our 12 week ultrasound and it was so much fun seeing you again! Especially since now you look less like a blob and more like a tiny human (or a creepy alien - the images from ultrasounds are cool, but weird!). We saw you waving and swimming and looking directly at us! You had a beautiful heartbeat of 155 beats per minute, and it was awesome to see. It's finally starting to sink in, that in six short months, we'll be parents of TWO! I can't wait!
Friday, 12 November 2010
Mercedes - 21 Months Old
Dear Mercedes,
I can't believe that you are 21 months old (tomorrow) - in just three short months my little baby will be TWO. I look at you every day and marvel at how wonderfully smart and sweet you are. You learn a new word just about every day and are even putting together some short sentences - "go door home" and "open please" and "bye Daddy!".
You seriously melt our hearts every day with your big, cheeky green and your practice 'jumps' and your wonderful kisses. It's hard to imagine being a parent becoming any more fun than this age, but it seems like it just keeps getting better and better the older you get!
I can't believe that you are 21 months old (tomorrow) - in just three short months my little baby will be TWO. I look at you every day and marvel at how wonderfully smart and sweet you are. You learn a new word just about every day and are even putting together some short sentences - "go door home" and "open please" and "bye Daddy!".
You seriously melt our hearts every day with your big, cheeky green and your practice 'jumps' and your wonderful kisses. It's hard to imagine being a parent becoming any more fun than this age, but it seems like it just keeps getting better and better the older you get!
Alexis - 11 Weeks 3 Days Pregnant
Dear Bean,
Either you are superbaby or I have been going crazy, but I swear, I felt little teeny, tiny flutters - both last night and then again this morning. Both in the same spot, very low down and to the right. I know they say you usually feel movement sooner with your second, and it's not absolutely unheard of for it to be this early, but it's pretty rare! I figured I'd write this down just in case - have to have a record of it after all! Whatever it was, it definitely made me smile.
Either you are superbaby or I have been going crazy, but I swear, I felt little teeny, tiny flutters - both last night and then again this morning. Both in the same spot, very low down and to the right. I know they say you usually feel movement sooner with your second, and it's not absolutely unheard of for it to be this early, but it's pretty rare! I figured I'd write this down just in case - have to have a record of it after all! Whatever it was, it definitely made me smile.
Thursday, 4 November 2010
Alexis - 10 Weeks 2 Days Pregnant
Dear Bean,
I have to admit, it's still kind of surreal to me to think that I am pregnant again. I thought I was in disbelief the first time, but it seems even stronger this time! Now that I have Mercedes, I KNOW what's it all about. I remember my pregnancy with your sister and her birth, and those wonderful but challenging newborn days. And it's shocking to me that right you are floating around in my belly, the size of a prune, and yet one day you will grow to walk and talk and giggle and hug me tight, just like your big sister. I can't wait!
In other news - I had my first midwife appointment for you last week. Talk about surreal! We discussed my pregnancy last time and my feelings about what kind of birth I'm hoping for with you. It seems so far away, but I know that time passes too swiftly. In two weeks I have my next ultrasound - I can't wait to see you jumping around on screen and hopefully get a nice picture of you. And then we can finally tell the rest of the world about you! Not that your father or I have been very good at keeping it secret. We're just so excited and can't wait to share that excitement with all of the other people who will love you too!
I have to admit, it's still kind of surreal to me to think that I am pregnant again. I thought I was in disbelief the first time, but it seems even stronger this time! Now that I have Mercedes, I KNOW what's it all about. I remember my pregnancy with your sister and her birth, and those wonderful but challenging newborn days. And it's shocking to me that right you are floating around in my belly, the size of a prune, and yet one day you will grow to walk and talk and giggle and hug me tight, just like your big sister. I can't wait!
In other news - I had my first midwife appointment for you last week. Talk about surreal! We discussed my pregnancy last time and my feelings about what kind of birth I'm hoping for with you. It seems so far away, but I know that time passes too swiftly. In two weeks I have my next ultrasound - I can't wait to see you jumping around on screen and hopefully get a nice picture of you. And then we can finally tell the rest of the world about you! Not that your father or I have been very good at keeping it secret. We're just so excited and can't wait to share that excitement with all of the other people who will love you too!
Friday, 15 October 2010
Mercedes - 20 Months Old

Some exciting news! You are going to be a big sister in June! It's still very early, but we had an ultrasound today and saw a heartbeat so we are hopeful everything is on track. It's an exciting time to be sure, but also a little bittersweet. Your father and I love you SO much, beyond what words could even describe, so it's kind of hard to imagine loving another little person the same way. But everyone says your love multiplies, not divides, so I am sure everything will be just fine. Besides, if this little bean is half as smart and funny and sweet and beautiful as you, then we are blessed beyond belief. I think you are going to make a wonderful big sister - you are already such a good helper (vacuuming, sorting laundry, tidying toys, feeding Peanut) that I am sure you will be wonderful! Even though right now everything is 'no' and 'mine' - I am sure that won't last forever!
I'm sorry our time alone together is coming to an end, but I am thankful to be able to give you the wonderful gift of a little brother or sister!
Alexis - 7 Weeks Pregnant
Hello Bean!
Welcome to our family! Today your father and I got to see you on screen for the very first time - along with the teeny flicker of your heartbeat! We are so excited to go through this journey all over again. And while your big sister is too young to really understand what is going on, she loves repeating baby and brother or sister. It almost seems like she thinks the baby is in her HER belly. She'll get it as you gro bigger and stronger, and of course, after you are here in person there is no denying it! I can't wait to see my two babies grow up together. I love you already.
Welcome to our family! Today your father and I got to see you on screen for the very first time - along with the teeny flicker of your heartbeat! We are so excited to go through this journey all over again. And while your big sister is too young to really understand what is going on, she loves repeating baby and brother or sister. It almost seems like she thinks the baby is in her HER belly. She'll get it as you gro bigger and stronger, and of course, after you are here in person there is no denying it! I can't wait to see my two babies grow up together. I love you already.
Friday, 17 September 2010
Mercedes - 19 Months Old
Dear Mercedes (or CeeCee as you like to call yourself!),
You are changing and learning so much every day it seems! You had your 18 month checkup on Wednesday (yes, a bit behind schedule) and you now weigh in at 22.5 lbs and measure 32". Still a shrimp! But an absolutely adorable one. Not to mention smart. The doctor was very impressed when we said you have 75-100 words. It honestly seems like every day you pick up something new - monkey, apple, pizza, cheese, CeeCee (for your name), etc. You love playing the naming game - where you point to a bunch of different things/people/animals and name them, or ask me to name them. You are quite the little adventurer - slides and climbing and walking down the stairs like a big girl. You are still a little shy at first in social situations (just like both your parents!) - but once you are comfortable you are fiercely opinionated and independent (like me) and stubborn and quick-tempered (like your father). It's really a joy to watch your unique little personality develop!
You are changing and learning so much every day it seems! You had your 18 month checkup on Wednesday (yes, a bit behind schedule) and you now weigh in at 22.5 lbs and measure 32". Still a shrimp! But an absolutely adorable one. Not to mention smart. The doctor was very impressed when we said you have 75-100 words. It honestly seems like every day you pick up something new - monkey, apple, pizza, cheese, CeeCee (for your name), etc. You love playing the naming game - where you point to a bunch of different things/people/animals and name them, or ask me to name them. You are quite the little adventurer - slides and climbing and walking down the stairs like a big girl. You are still a little shy at first in social situations (just like both your parents!) - but once you are comfortable you are fiercely opinionated and independent (like me) and stubborn and quick-tempered (like your father). It's really a joy to watch your unique little personality develop!
Friday, 20 August 2010
Mercedes - 18 Months Old
Dear Mercedes,
Some days (okay, most days) I just look at you in amazement and wonder how we got so lucky. We both feel truly blessed to have this beautiful, smart, funny, stubborn kid - that is all OURS. It's impossible to describe, but it's like I just can't get enough of you (unless of course you are whining or having a tantrum or waking up at 5 am!).
You father and I not only love you, but we are madly and deeply IN love with you. My heart just bursts sometimes when I see you and your little body do something funny like put on my shoes and walk away saying "bye-bye!". You are back to being obsessed with books and want me to read them to you all the time, which of course thrills me! You have well over 50 words now - I can't even keep track of them all anymore. It seems like every day you come up with something new - most recently being please (peas), thank you (dank you), jacket (jacka) and outside (side).
I love it all, and I love you!
Some days (okay, most days) I just look at you in amazement and wonder how we got so lucky. We both feel truly blessed to have this beautiful, smart, funny, stubborn kid - that is all OURS. It's impossible to describe, but it's like I just can't get enough of you (unless of course you are whining or having a tantrum or waking up at 5 am!).
You father and I not only love you, but we are madly and deeply IN love with you. My heart just bursts sometimes when I see you and your little body do something funny like put on my shoes and walk away saying "bye-bye!". You are back to being obsessed with books and want me to read them to you all the time, which of course thrills me! You have well over 50 words now - I can't even keep track of them all anymore. It seems like every day you come up with something new - most recently being please (peas), thank you (dank you), jacket (jacka) and outside (side).
I love it all, and I love you!
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
Mercedes - 17 Months Old
Dear Mercedes,
Your first sleepover at Bubie and Zaidie's went fairly well - for the most part. You napped, you ate, you played and you went to bed without a peep. However, those pesky teeth woke you up in the middle of the night and caused you to spike a fever, making for a restless, sleepless night. Lucky for all of us, Bubie and Zaidie loved the opportunity for all of the cuddles and are willing to try again soon!
In other news, you switched daycares this week (for a number of reasons) and so far you are LOVING it. You are napping and eating well there and really love playing with Sherri and all of your new little friends.
You are so unbelievably smart - it's truly amazing to watch your little mind work. You have over 30 words now (ball, book, mama, dadda, stuck, milk, more, shoes, baby, dog, duck, poo poo, etc). And speaking of poo-poo - you seem to know a lot about bodily functions! You refer to both pee and poop as poo-poo, but you definitely have the right idea! The other night during diaper free-time, you peed on the floor when I had my back turned for a second. You immediately said "uh oh! poo poo!" and pointed to the wet spot. I thought it was VERY smart that you both recognized what you did, AND that it was an uh-oh! Amazing.
Your first sleepover at Bubie and Zaidie's went fairly well - for the most part. You napped, you ate, you played and you went to bed without a peep. However, those pesky teeth woke you up in the middle of the night and caused you to spike a fever, making for a restless, sleepless night. Lucky for all of us, Bubie and Zaidie loved the opportunity for all of the cuddles and are willing to try again soon!
In other news, you switched daycares this week (for a number of reasons) and so far you are LOVING it. You are napping and eating well there and really love playing with Sherri and all of your new little friends.
You are so unbelievably smart - it's truly amazing to watch your little mind work. You have over 30 words now (ball, book, mama, dadda, stuck, milk, more, shoes, baby, dog, duck, poo poo, etc). And speaking of poo-poo - you seem to know a lot about bodily functions! You refer to both pee and poop as poo-poo, but you definitely have the right idea! The other night during diaper free-time, you peed on the floor when I had my back turned for a second. You immediately said "uh oh! poo poo!" and pointed to the wet spot. I thought it was VERY smart that you both recognized what you did, AND that it was an uh-oh! Amazing.
Friday, 2 July 2010
Mercedes - 16.5 Months Old
Dear Mercedes,
Tomorrow night is a big occasion for your father and I. It marks our very first night away from you, together. We've each been away for overnights before, but never together! So tomorrow, for the very first time, you will be sleeping at Bubie and Zaidie's. You love going there and spending time with them, you always laugh and play and eat well and nap well! Let's hope that they can put you to bed successfully and that you don't mind going to sleep without breastfeeding! We'll miss you, but I hope that this first sleepover begins a wonderful, long-standing tradition!
Tomorrow night is a big occasion for your father and I. It marks our very first night away from you, together. We've each been away for overnights before, but never together! So tomorrow, for the very first time, you will be sleeping at Bubie and Zaidie's. You love going there and spending time with them, you always laugh and play and eat well and nap well! Let's hope that they can put you to bed successfully and that you don't mind going to sleep without breastfeeding! We'll miss you, but I hope that this first sleepover begins a wonderful, long-standing tradition!
Monday, 24 May 2010
Mercedes - 15 Months Old
Dear Mercedes,
Every day it seems you learn something new. You are at such a wonderful age - discovering and learning new things so quickly I can hardly keep up. You have a lot of words now: mama, dada, pat, hat, more, milk, ball, shoes... every day you pick up something new! You know how to wipe your face and where your 'soos' go, and where your belly/foot/mouth is. You love cleaning things and throwing the ball for Peanut, and trying to do up zippers and making funny faces in the mirror. You love, love, LOVE to dance, which provides endless amusement for Daddy and I. (And out of nowhere, you even figured out how to put on lip gloss and sunscreen! Pat must have taught you those!) You brush your teeth and your hair, you help to put your clothes on - you even know where your diaper is and touch your bum if I asked you if you've pooped.
It is such a joy to watch you figure out the world around you. My heart just grows and grows, each and every day.
Every day it seems you learn something new. You are at such a wonderful age - discovering and learning new things so quickly I can hardly keep up. You have a lot of words now: mama, dada, pat, hat, more, milk, ball, shoes... every day you pick up something new! You know how to wipe your face and where your 'soos' go, and where your belly/foot/mouth is. You love cleaning things and throwing the ball for Peanut, and trying to do up zippers and making funny faces in the mirror. You love, love, LOVE to dance, which provides endless amusement for Daddy and I. (And out of nowhere, you even figured out how to put on lip gloss and sunscreen! Pat must have taught you those!) You brush your teeth and your hair, you help to put your clothes on - you even know where your diaper is and touch your bum if I asked you if you've pooped.
It is such a joy to watch you figure out the world around you. My heart just grows and grows, each and every day.
Sunday, 9 May 2010
Mercedes - Mother's Day 2010
Dear Mercedes,
It is Mother's Day today, only my second one as a mom, and I just wanted to say... THANK YOU for being such a delightful, funny, smart, sweet, remarkable little girl. Thank you, for making me a mother, in every sense of the word. I love you beyond compare and more than you could EVER imagine.
It is Mother's Day today, only my second one as a mom, and I just wanted to say... THANK YOU for being such a delightful, funny, smart, sweet, remarkable little girl. Thank you, for making me a mother, in every sense of the word. I love you beyond compare and more than you could EVER imagine.
Wednesday, 5 May 2010
Mercedes - 14.5 Months Old
Dear Mercedes,
If there was any question as to your walking status, it is completely gone now! You are already a pro and walk everywhere around the house, and at Pat's house also. You get better and steadier each and every day. It makes me proud to see you growing up, but also sad to see how quickly you are changing and learning new things. I just love you so much that I can't bear the thought of you becoming a teenager who says 'I hate you!' to me! I know it's a long way off, but I see how opinionated and stubborn you can be already.
In other news, you are learning more words and concepts every day and speaking more also. You can say mama, dada, Pat, ball, shoes. You love saying 'vroom, vroom' and having Daddy push you around on your new pink motorcycle.
You point to your belly and mouth and feet and try to 'help' put on your shoes ('soos') and socks and do up zippers and brush your teeth and your hair. You also love cleaning with a cloth or a kleenex - wiping the dog, or cats, or chairs. We should put you to work with a duster!
It's so much fun watching you soak up knowledge like a sponge - you are such a beautiful, smart girl!
If there was any question as to your walking status, it is completely gone now! You are already a pro and walk everywhere around the house, and at Pat's house also. You get better and steadier each and every day. It makes me proud to see you growing up, but also sad to see how quickly you are changing and learning new things. I just love you so much that I can't bear the thought of you becoming a teenager who says 'I hate you!' to me! I know it's a long way off, but I see how opinionated and stubborn you can be already.
In other news, you are learning more words and concepts every day and speaking more also. You can say mama, dada, Pat, ball, shoes. You love saying 'vroom, vroom' and having Daddy push you around on your new pink motorcycle.

You point to your belly and mouth and feet and try to 'help' put on your shoes ('soos') and socks and do up zippers and brush your teeth and your hair. You also love cleaning with a cloth or a kleenex - wiping the dog, or cats, or chairs. We should put you to work with a duster!
It's so much fun watching you soak up knowledge like a sponge - you are such a beautiful, smart girl!
Sunday, 18 April 2010
Mercedes - 14 Months Old
Dear Princess,
Today, I think you turned a corner from cruising and random steps here and there to actually walking!! You aren't exactly stead or reliable of course but you just LOVE practicing and can walk across a whole room unassisted! I love seeing the proud look on your face when you do it - you even giggle hysterically - you think it is so fun!
In other news, we got another dog! We missed Bruiser so much that we just knew we needed to have a new member of our family. Enter Peanut! Another Frenchie, who looks kind of like Bruiser, but you definitely knew the difference as soon as we brought her home. You know her name already and we all love her to pieces.
Today, I think you turned a corner from cruising and random steps here and there to actually walking!! You aren't exactly stead or reliable of course but you just LOVE practicing and can walk across a whole room unassisted! I love seeing the proud look on your face when you do it - you even giggle hysterically - you think it is so fun!
In other news, we got another dog! We missed Bruiser so much that we just knew we needed to have a new member of our family. Enter Peanut! Another Frenchie, who looks kind of like Bruiser, but you definitely knew the difference as soon as we brought her home. You know her name already and we all love her to pieces.
Saturday, 13 March 2010
Mercedes - 13 Months Old
Dear Mercedes,
Today you are 13 months old! It's hard to believe it's already been an entire month since your birthday/party. You are growing up way too fast.
Unfortunately, we can no longer take monthly progress pictures of you - on Thursday, your Daddy and I had to make the most awful, heartbreaking decision of our lives. We had to say goodbye to our dog, Bruiser. You won't remember him when you are older, but he'll always live on in pictures and videos and memories. We promise we'll tell you all about him all the time, because we want you to know how much you loved him and how much he loved you. He was the best dog - so full of love and personality and charm and snuggles and kisses. He was so very patient with you - he never once growled or nipped at you - and he loved standing guard over you when you were first born. As you got older you loved sharing food with him and petting him, playing with him and holding his bone for him. You really were best buds.
Daddy and I miss him so much - we are very sad right now and of course, you don't really understand why, but you are definitely noticing his absence. This morning you kept looking at a picture of him and asking "Broo? Broo?" It broke our hearts. I know that we all will always love Bruiser.
P.S. On a brighter note, today you took two unassisted steps for the first time!
Today you are 13 months old! It's hard to believe it's already been an entire month since your birthday/party. You are growing up way too fast.
Unfortunately, we can no longer take monthly progress pictures of you - on Thursday, your Daddy and I had to make the most awful, heartbreaking decision of our lives. We had to say goodbye to our dog, Bruiser. You won't remember him when you are older, but he'll always live on in pictures and videos and memories. We promise we'll tell you all about him all the time, because we want you to know how much you loved him and how much he loved you. He was the best dog - so full of love and personality and charm and snuggles and kisses. He was so very patient with you - he never once growled or nipped at you - and he loved standing guard over you when you were first born. As you got older you loved sharing food with him and petting him, playing with him and holding his bone for him. You really were best buds.

P.S. On a brighter note, today you took two unassisted steps for the first time!
Thursday, 11 March 2010
Bruiser - April 28, 2006 - March 11, 2010
2 months ago, on January 9th, Bruiser had emergency spinal surgery (to the tune of $6000) at the Ontario Veterinary College in Guelph to repair two ruptured discs. They were unsure if he'd ever walk properly, or at all, ever again. He surprised everyone and made a full and complete recovery - we brought him home only two days later and he quickly regained almost full mobility within a month. He went for a re-check a month ago, February 11th, and they were super-pleased with his progress. They told us to try to keep him from jumping up and down off the couch/bed and from going up and down the stairs. We did our best, we carried him, we gated the stairs, we crated him. But of course, we couldn't keep him chained up 24/7.
Somehow, someway, he ruptured another disc this week. We had hoped that the first time was an isolated incident - could happen to any dog, any breed. Now we know it wasn't. And it could keep happening again and again. We opted out of another expensive surgery since a) we can't afford it b) we weren't sure how well he'd do with this one because they discovered a restricted airway (common in French Bulldogs) and urged us to get that fixed when he was recovered and c) we're scared it will just keep on happening over and over again until he has no spine left.
The vet tried steroid injections and said that was our only hope. It didn't work. He no longer has deep pain sensation meaning the nerves are likely damaged beyond repair. He won't be coming home. We have to say goodbye to him today. He is only 4 years old. He was our wedding present to each other - our anniversary is on Tuesday. Mercedes loves him oh so much and now she won't even remember him when she's older. Some of you may have seen my monthly Mercedes vs. Bruiser pics on facebook - I didn't even make it to 13 months (which is Saturday).
Andrew and I are completely and totally devastated. We cried all night long last night, fearing this inevitable conclusion. He is/was such a wonderful little dog. Full of personality and love and snuggles for anyone who crossed his path. He touched the lives of everyone who ever met him - neighbours, doggie daycare, the vet, the OVC in Guelph, my friends, our whole family - even the cats took to him after a while.
I am so sad that my daughter won't grow up with him. I am so heartbroken that our house, and family is incomplete. I've had to say goodbye to a dog before, but she was 17 and it was sad but not tragic. This, is tragic. I'm numb.
We'll always love you Bruiser :(
April 28, 2006 - March 11, 2010
Saturday, 6 March 2010
Mercedes - 12.5 Months Old
Dear Mercedes,
Today you actually stood up on your own, completely unassisted for five whole seconds... twice!! It's never happened before! Maybe this means walking is coming sooner than we think. In other news, you've been at daycare for three weeks now (and I've been back at work of course) and you are absolutely loving it, which is a huge relief for me. You don't cry when Daddy drops you off, you play, you eat, you drink, you nap - you even bring home crafts (which we are saving of course!)
We are so proud that you are doing so well and turning into such a big girl right before our eyes. You even say a couple of words now - Pat (your daycare provider), dada of course. And you seem to be soaking up knowledge like a sponge! You know clap and sit and shake and band and hat. You even nod your head when we say yes. Today I asked you if you wanted milk and you nodded at me. You are SO smart, of course.
Today you actually stood up on your own, completely unassisted for five whole seconds... twice!! It's never happened before! Maybe this means walking is coming sooner than we think. In other news, you've been at daycare for three weeks now (and I've been back at work of course) and you are absolutely loving it, which is a huge relief for me. You don't cry when Daddy drops you off, you play, you eat, you drink, you nap - you even bring home crafts (which we are saving of course!)
We are so proud that you are doing so well and turning into such a big girl right before our eyes. You even say a couple of words now - Pat (your daycare provider), dada of course. And you seem to be soaking up knowledge like a sponge! You know clap and sit and shake and band and hat. You even nod your head when we say yes. Today I asked you if you wanted milk and you nodded at me. You are SO smart, of course.
Saturday, 13 February 2010
Mercedes - Happy 1st Birthday!
It's hard to believe, but today, my beautiful baby girl, you turned one year old! We had your party today at Bubie and Zaidie's and all of your friends and family spoiled you rotten! It's so wonderful to see how much everyone loves you, because we love you that much also. You had a great time at your party - eating, drinking milk, showing off your pretty party dress, eating your personalized cupcakes, and of course, opening presents.
It has been such a joy watching you grow over the past year. I love you more than words can ever say - it's something you'll understand when you become a mother. I actually said to your Zaidie yesterday that I understand now how much he loves ME. It really is the best feeling in the world - kissing you, snuggling you, playing with you, loving you. You are a wonderful little person and I can't wait to see how much you change and learn and grow in your second year.
On Tuesday you start daycare full-time with Pat and I, unfortunately, go back to work. I am sad to go and leave you - I'm going to miss my special days with you and feel sad that I'll only get to spend a couple of hours a day with you. But so far you seem to love daycare and are adjusting just fine. I know you'll flourish and thrive there, which makes going back to work much easier. I'll still miss you like crazy though!
Happy Birthday my beautiful girl.

It has been such a joy watching you grow over the past year. I love you more than words can ever say - it's something you'll understand when you become a mother. I actually said to your Zaidie yesterday that I understand now how much he loves ME. It really is the best feeling in the world - kissing you, snuggling you, playing with you, loving you. You are a wonderful little person and I can't wait to see how much you change and learn and grow in your second year.
On Tuesday you start daycare full-time with Pat and I, unfortunately, go back to work. I am sad to go and leave you - I'm going to miss my special days with you and feel sad that I'll only get to spend a couple of hours a day with you. But so far you seem to love daycare and are adjusting just fine. I know you'll flourish and thrive there, which makes going back to work much easier. I'll still miss you like crazy though!
Happy Birthday my beautiful girl.
Saturday, 30 January 2010
Mercedes - 11.5 Months Old
Dear Mercedes,
Your first birthday (and your party!) is only two weeks away. I know I keep saying it, but time keeps FLYING by. Honestly, every day you seem to change and grow right before my eyes. Day by day you become smarter, sweeter, funnier and hard to believe, but even more gorgeous! Your personality just shines through in every thing you do. A little shy at first, but once you are confident in a situation you have NO problem going after what you want and voicing your (loud) opinion about it! You know what you want and nothing else will do!
You are cuddly and sweet and affectionate, but also love to play rough and tumble and don't put up with any crap, even from your older, male playmates! You are also FUNNY. You make 'jokes' and love to laugh and do things on purpose to get a reaction out of us. It's pretty awesome to see how wonderfully smart you are and how quickly you can figure things out these days.
Oh, and you also, finally... CRAWLED! At 11+ months, you finally decided to just do it. You still prefer scooting most of the time - you're better at it - but at least now you have options! I love watching you practice new skills - nothing makes me prouder!
Your first birthday (and your party!) is only two weeks away. I know I keep saying it, but time keeps FLYING by. Honestly, every day you seem to change and grow right before my eyes. Day by day you become smarter, sweeter, funnier and hard to believe, but even more gorgeous! Your personality just shines through in every thing you do. A little shy at first, but once you are confident in a situation you have NO problem going after what you want and voicing your (loud) opinion about it! You know what you want and nothing else will do!
You are cuddly and sweet and affectionate, but also love to play rough and tumble and don't put up with any crap, even from your older, male playmates! You are also FUNNY. You make 'jokes' and love to laugh and do things on purpose to get a reaction out of us. It's pretty awesome to see how wonderfully smart you are and how quickly you can figure things out these days.
Oh, and you also, finally... CRAWLED! At 11+ months, you finally decided to just do it. You still prefer scooting most of the time - you're better at it - but at least now you have options! I love watching you practice new skills - nothing makes me prouder!
Friday, 1 January 2010
Mercedes - 10.5 Months Old
Dear Mercedes,
Happy New Year!! It's hard to believe that 2009 is already over - it has, without a doubt, been the BEST, most challenging, rewarding year of my life and I owe it all to you. I don't think I can ever fully explain what you mean to me and how much you enrich my life. I look at you and my heart swells - I can't help but smile... and really, all I want to do is freeze time. Watching you grow and learn new things is amazing, but it just means that you are closer to one and closer to me having to leave you to go back to work. I dread it - because staying home with you has been the most wonderful experience. I just love spending time with you and I am sorry that our moments together will be fewer. If I could stay home with you, I would in a heartbeat.
On another note, your first Chrismukkah season was a huge success! You were spoiled, of course, and it was so much fun sharing those special moments (and turkey dinners!) together. Happy New Year my beautiful girl. May 2010 bring nothing but joy and happiness to all of us.
Happy New Year!! It's hard to believe that 2009 is already over - it has, without a doubt, been the BEST, most challenging, rewarding year of my life and I owe it all to you. I don't think I can ever fully explain what you mean to me and how much you enrich my life. I look at you and my heart swells - I can't help but smile... and really, all I want to do is freeze time. Watching you grow and learn new things is amazing, but it just means that you are closer to one and closer to me having to leave you to go back to work. I dread it - because staying home with you has been the most wonderful experience. I just love spending time with you and I am sorry that our moments together will be fewer. If I could stay home with you, I would in a heartbeat.
On another note, your first Chrismukkah season was a huge success! You were spoiled, of course, and it was so much fun sharing those special moments (and turkey dinners!) together. Happy New Year my beautiful girl. May 2010 bring nothing but joy and happiness to all of us.
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